Wappwolf Automator
Wappwolf automates your tasks in the cloud. It connects your Dropbox, G Drive or Box to other web-services, and performs an action automatically each time you add a file to a predefined folder.
Put the internet to work for you by creating tasks that fit this simple structure: "if this then that".
Put the internet to work for you by creating tasks that fit this simple structure: "if this then that". Think of all the things you could do if you were able to define any task as: when something happens (this) then do something else (that). An example trigger: "if I'm tagged in a photo on Facebook" or "if I tweet on Twitter." "then send me a text message" or "then create a status message on Facebook".
Official Website
Facebook integration Live Push Notifications Service Integration Task Automation Workflow Automation
Productivity Online Services Backup and Sync
automated-tasks automation facebook-integration live-push-notifications online-service perform-actions-on-condition service-integration task-automation trigger workflow-automation