modern computer flatboat
modern computer flatboat is a mobile pdf viewer written in Qt and using MuPDF's libfitz. Some of flatboat's features are (for other features see the help...
Icecream Ebook Reader offers to add EPUB, MOBI, PDF, FB2 books and CBR and CBZ comics to the Library and view them in Table View or Book Shelf modes.
icecream ebook reader offers to add epub, mobi, pdf, fb2 books and cbr and cbz comics to the library and view them in table view or book shelf modes. it’s easy to find books in the library thanks to filters (you can sort books by categories: all, recently read, favorites, and formats) and search tool. creation of custom categories in the library is also supported.
reading books with icecream ebook reader is a pleasant experience: you can read in full screen or window mode, go to a certain part of the book by using the table of contents or list of bookmarks, bookmark the pages without limitations, play with the font size, read the text in 2 columns or as a plain text, and choose profiles like day (good lighting), night (low light), and sepia (average lighting).
Official Website
cbr cbz ebook-reader epub-reader mobi epub fb2 fb2-viewer cbz-reader cbr-reader desktop-ebook-reader ebook-reader-software fb2-reader mobi-reader