Whether you're a morning lark or night owl, SunsetScreen allows you to set the time of the sunset and sunrise, so you can have full control over your sleep cycle.
iBrightness Tray is a little bit of a swiss army knife display tool as adjusting the brightness of your screen is just one of three main functions it has.
ibrightness tray is a little bit of a swiss army knife display tool as adjusting the brightness of your screen is just one of three main functions it has. the other two are turning on your screensaver at the click of a button and also the ability to turn off the display completely. this is useful for laptop users when they want save power and switch off the screen for a period of time. launch the portable executable and click the tray icon to popup the window where you can alter the brightness with the slider or activate the screensaver and screen off options. right clicking the tray icon gives the extra options to start with windows and change the default screensaver.
Productivity System and Hardware
display-settings eye-strain hardware-displays reduce-eyestrain Discontinued brightness-reduction screen-brightness screen-dimmer