soundKonverter is a frontend to various audio converters. The key features are: Audio conversion. En-/decoding. Replay Gain. CD ripping. It is extendable by plugins and supports many backends.
iAudioConverter for Mac= Mac Audio Converter + Mac CD Burner + Video to Audio Converter + Audio Trimmer + Audio Volume Normalizer.
iaudioconverter for mac= mac audio converter + mac cd burner + video to audio converter + audio trimmer + audio volume normalizer.
iaudioconverter for mac is the handy comprehensive mac audio converter and mac cd burner that support virtually any audio formats. iaudioconverter for mac os is an excellent application to convert audios on mac for itunes, iphone, ipod and any kinds of your devices. this mac audio converter is also a cd burner for your lovely car and other cd devices. all you need to do is drag & drop your audios to the software ,the the software will complete other things automatically.
Audio Extraction Normalize Volume
audio-conversion music-player extract-audio audio-cd-burner volume-normalization volume-control