An advanced feature rich all around script (complete frontend expansion) for mIRC. Invision is primarily geared for File Serves.
auto maintain of nick and home channel customizable title bar with lag meter personal flood protection user list including: fellow ops, friends, shitlist, and file server bans channel specific auto greeting channel specific channel control features:bitchmode kick and ban on text floods and nick change floods fellow op protection maintain +l limit kick ban on mass joins from same domain auto deop on server op channel lockdown if under attack. deop on mass deop kick on "will trade" logs defense actions to seperate logfile auto wallops your actions and why taken. remote control for fellow ops when you're away. remote oping for fellow ops that send the password that they themselves set. file server explorer auto +v other file servers file server antiidle auto gain ops auto update dalnet services configurable dual script colors configurable nicklist coloring dcc watcher minimum dcc speed management unique sound event system robust away system with pager and message recorder auto nickserv responder tdcc server system xdcc server system ftp ad manager with configurable remote info retrieval. one of the most advanced file servers featuring:user configurable queue with management controls channel specific operation advertiser and slot announcer file server chat smart ban list remote control startup/shutdown for fellow ops that know the password auto run on startup smartsends™ which automatically adjust the amount of sends depending on bandwidth flexspeed™ which automatically adjust the max cps per send depending on bandwidth. sizeguard™ which blocks sending of files over the size you specify. instasend™ which will send files instantly with no queuing under the size you specify. search engine that is actually useful and smart. on/off for !list requests. scheduler for auto startup/shutdown and bandwidth adjustment times. up to 5 separate !triggers and serves
chat-bot irc irc-client scripts bot irc-network irc-management ircd mirc