Rhythm Studio
Rhythm Studio is a a must have app for musicians! It is a premier universal electronic music making app, boasting richly detailed graphics and incredible sound, with...
Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine. It's main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming.
hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for gnu/linux. it's main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive patternbased drum programming.
features: general very userfriendly, modular, fast and intuitive graphical interface based on qt 4. samplebased stereo audio engine, with import of sound samples in .wav, .au and .aiff formats. support of samples in compressed flac file.
sequencer and mixer
patternbased sequencer, with unlimited number of patterns and ability to chain patterns into a song. up to 192 ticks per pattern with individual level per event and variable pattern length. unlimited instrument tracks with volume, mute, solo, pan capabilities. multi layer support for instruments (up to 16 samples for each instrument). sample editor, with basic cut and loop functions. (new) timestretch and pitch functions via rubberband cli. require the rubberbandcli package. (new) playlists with scripting function. (new) advanced tabtempo. (new) director window with a visual metronome and song position tags. (new) timeline with variable tempo. (new) single and stacked pattern mode. (new) export/import single patterns into song projects. (new) midi learning via shift+mouseclick on many guicotrollers combined with a midi settings editor. (new) ability to import/export song files. unique human velocity, human time, pitch and swing functions. multiple patterns playing at once.
other jack, alsa, portaudio and oss audio drivers. alsa midi and portmidi input with assignable midiin channel (1..16, all). import/export of drumkits. export song to wav, aiff, flac or ogg file. export song to midi file.
Developer Tools Audio and Music
midi midi-composition drum-machine music-sequencer drum drums loop-sequencer sequencer