FusionOps Insight
Web-based business intelligence software that combines pre-built BI-applications with a powerful self-service analytics workbench. It’s an elegant way to access, slice...
HuHoKa CRM is a cloud hosted SaaS solution which enables businesses to implement their best practices and methodologies in the functional areas of their choice, be it...
huhoka crm is a cloud hosted saas solution which enables businesses to implement their best practices and methodologies in the functional areas of their choice, be it sales and marketing, support, operations, invoicing and more. they have integrated these business functions into one product so users need not manage multiple tools. huhoka crm solution is targeted at small and medium businesses and can be accessed through desktops, tablets and smart phones.
more social network pages for centralogic consultancy:linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/centralogicconsultancyprivatelimited twitter: https://twitter.com/centralogic
Productivity Social Sport and Health
email-client task-management contacts-management tasks customer-relationship-manager task-scheduler sales sales-crm sales-pipeline invoicing sales-automation payments