PHP/MySQL multiple mobile friendly website builder. Just what you need to create multiple CMS driven responsive websites in few clicks. NO CODING Responsive Web Design.
features of html5 multiple website builder
easy to use responsive website buildercreate unlimited mobile sitesdomain suggestion toolusers pay yearly packages to host websites they created with your website builder under domainmany professional looking themes to choose from.responsive designs. (websites created can be viewed on mobile devices)various fonts, color palettes and textures to choose from.inline editing and theme customizationrich text content editormultisite cms, run many individual websites under on domain.product catalog, image gallerycontact us formmultiple rich content pagesproduct catalog contains product categories and products within the categories.individual products contains images, product code, price, colors, sizes, description, additional infosocial media sharing buttonsgoogle map with pointer as per address ( movable pointer)multiple ajax image uploadermanage clients, activate or deactivate their websiteseverything combined in a beautifully designed interface!
Links to official HTML5 multiple website builder sites
Create cutting-edge, beautiful websites that look amazing on any devices and browsers. Drag-n-drop only, no coding. 400+ site blocks. Free for any use.
Brix (Bootstrap Builder) is the first fully featured tool on the market, which allows every user to design application, website or mobile app in accordance to his or her...
Modern, open source, fast and secure content management system based on Bootstrap 3 using the latest technology. CMS has been build from Scratch and uses the latest...
FreeOpen SourceMac OS XWindowsLinuxWebWindows Mobile
Create Beautiful Responsive Sites. Build it once and serve your content to desktop, tablet and mobile web users. So why go responsive? Well, there are many advantages...
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