Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
Houdini covers all the major areas of 3D production, including: * Modeling - All standard geometry entities including Polygons, (Hierarchical) NURBs/Bezier Curves/Patches & Trims, Metaballs * Animation - Keyframed animation and raw...
houdini covers all the major areas of 3d production, including:
* modeling all standard geometry entities including polygons, (hierarchical) nurbs/bezier curves/patches & trims, metaballs* animation keyframed animation and raw channel manipulation (chops), motion capture support* particles* dynamics rigid body dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, wire (curve) dynamics, cloth simulation* lighting nodebased shader authoring, lighting and relighting in an ipr viewer* rendering supporting a variety of renderers; besides mantra: renderman, mental ray...and many more features.
Productivity Developer Tools Games Phots and Graphics
animation modeling 3d-graphics simulation vfx