Hotshots is a screenshot tool with some editing features. It is particularly suitable for writing documentation (as used in the following chapters) but you can use it to highlight some details on a map image or what ever you want.
Hotshots is a screenshot tool with some editing features. It is particularly suitable for writing documentation (as used in the following chapters) but you can use it to highlight some details on a map image or what ever you want.Because HotShots is written with Qt, it runs on Windows and Linux (MacOSX isn't tested yet).Why this name, Hotshots ? Firstly, I'm a fan of Jim Abrahams's film and my second choice was Screen'n Shot but I'm not sure the pun will be perenne.
Portable Capture Screen / Take screenshots Edit screenshots Share screenshots
Productivity Phots and Graphics Backup and Sync
portable screen-capture Discontinued screenshot-editing screenshot-sharing screenshot-utility screenshots upload-screenshot take-screenshot screencapture portable-launcher portable-applications print-screen