Google Drive
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service which enables user cloud storage, file sharing and collaborative editing.
- Hornetdrive: A fully encrypted online file storage service. - Ubiquitous: All files stored in HORNETDRIVE can be accessed platform-independently, from mobile devices or from home, online or offline, using HORNETDRIVE client software.
hornetdrive: a fully encrypted online file storage service.
ubiquitous: all files stored in hornetdrive can be accessed platformindependently, from mobile devices or from home, online or offline, using hornetdrive client software. next to a client for windows, mac os x and linux versions, mobile apps for ios and android are available. an app for windows mobile is in preparation.
secure: all files are encrypted before being sent to the online storage in european data centres using aes256 encryption. for the secure exchange of the data keys between the clients, hornetdrive uses asymmetric encryption and a pki integrated into the service. no unintended third party can access the data, not even antispameurope as the provider.
protective: when saving a file, hornetdrive automatically creates a new file version. this prevents the overwriting of existing files. when two or more users are processing the same file, hornetdrive automatically saves two versions of the file. this ensures that no changes are being lost.
collaborate: users can create as many storage containers, “drives”, as they want, and can share them with other users through the invite function. a rights management system allows granting different access and activity levels.
flexible: hornetdrive is available in two different license versions – hornetdrive business, including 10 gb storage and hornetdrive enterprise, with 100 gb or more storage space and additional features.
hornetdrive enterprise includes additional features like the possibility to delete data locally and the distribution of files via url. the storage space can be extended arbitrarily. hornetdrive also offers a freeofcharge guest license with 100 mb storage to share data with external users.
Official Website
Productivity File Sharing Backup and Sync
backup-and-restore online-backup real-time-collaboration file-encryption cloud-computing cloud-security