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TransferBigFiles.com allows computer users to send large files to anyone. Videos, pictures, documents or any other file that is too large to send as an email attachment can be sent through TransferBigFiles.com
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Send your files safely up to 6GB for free. No download speed limit. No registration needed.
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Share-Online.biz is a worldwide operating fileserving project. You're able to serve and share any type of document like pictures, movies and music with us.
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Solidfiles is a file hosting service based in Stockholm, Sweden that has been around since 2006. Offers free and paid Plans.
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FileFactory is the easiest way to upload and share your files in the cloud for free. Get unlimited storage space plus unlimited downloads with a Premium account.
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turbobit.net is a free net space where you may upload your files, store them, share your files with your friends by providing them links to your files, and download your friend's files using their links.
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Lightweight Digital Asset Management solution, Business File Sharing, Corporate Image Library & Online Proofing in one integrated, secure and cost-effective solution.
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FileBucket is an Outlook plugin allowing you to seamlessly send and receive large file attachments and to see when they have been downloaded. It can also be used without...