Quod Libet
A extensible Music player with Podcast support, web radio, playlists and many more. As it is written in Python, writing new plug-ins is really easy.
Herrie is a minimalistic music player that uses the command line. It is written to support a variety of operating systems, audio subsystems and file formats, including playlists.
Herrie is a minimalistic music player that uses the command line. It is written to support a variety of operating systems, audio subsystems and file formats, including playlists. Herrie has a splitscreen user interface, with a playlist at the top of the screen and a file browser at the bottom. When tracks are added to the playlist, Herrie consumes them from the top one by one. It is thus an application that allows you to batch music for playback. Herrie supports audioscrobbling.
command-line-interface music-player audio-scrobbling