MultiHasher is a freeware file hash calculator. No Spyware! No Adware! No Viruses! 100% Freeware! Clean & simple. Features: Calculate one or more hash values for...
This extension is used to compute cryptographic hashes and do common conversions. It might be useful for programmers and system administrators. It's entirely...
this extension is used to compute cryptographic hashes and do common conversions. it might be useful for programmers and system administrators. it's entirely implemented in javascript, all calculations are performed on client side, so it's safe.
hash:md5, sha1, sha2 (224, 256, 384, 512), ripemd160, md4, whirpoolhmac:md5, sha1, sha2 (224, 256, 384, 512), ripemd160, md4crc:crc8, crc16, fcs16, fcs/crc32cipher (interoperable with openssl):aes256, des, triple des, rabbit, rc4, rc4drop. cbc/pkcs7 is used.net:subnet calculator, ip ? dec, ip ? hex, ip ? bintime:unix ? datetime, unix ? rfc1123, unix ? iso 8601numbers:dec ? hex, dec ? bin, dec ? romanstrings:ascii ? hex, utf8 ? hex, utf16 ? hexencode:base64, rot13, javascript encodeuri(), encodeuricomponent(), html special chars encode/decode
offline-access developer-tools hash-calculator checksum-calculator hash verify-checksum