Redaxscript is a modern, ultra lightweight and rocket fast Content Management System for SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Habari is next-generation blogging. Download Habari or try the demo and help our community design the future of blogs.
habari is nextgeneration blogging.download habari or try the demo and help our community design the future of blogs.
habari is different
while there are a number of technical reasons that highlight the differences and advantages habari has over other blogging packages, a major component of what makes habari different is its community participation model. users who demonstrate a level of quality contributions to the project are granted more privileges within the project.
* modular, objectoriented core for easy extensibility * supports multiple database backends (mysql, sqlite, postgresql) * uses prepared statements throughout to protect against sql injection attacks * media silos to directly access various ways of media storage, like flickr, viddler, or the servers filesystem * atom publishing protocol support * multiple users (authors) * multiple sites on one installation * support for static content ("pages") * plugins * tagging * importers for serendipity and wordpress
Productivity Developer Tools Social Business and Commerce Phots and Graphics
php publishing web-server cms blogging