The Best 25 Alternatives

  • Tedlance

    Tedlance was started with an intent to provide a exclusive freelancing platform for IT Infrastructure Services and Training. Tedlance facilitates employers to choose...

    Commercial Web

  • Pangara

    Pangara lets businesses hire top, vetted freelance developers from Vietnam. Find quality talent with no minimum commitment and 100% money-back guarantee.

    Free Web

  • Startup Jobs

    Finding a job in a startup gets easier. Startup Jobs is a unique job platform where job seekers meet startups,recruiters who offer jobs. So, if you are looking for a...

    Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad

  • Getlancer Bidding

    Launch a freelancer like website using the freelancer clone script. Developed taking inspiration from the successful freelance website, the clone script from Agriya is a...

    Commercial Self-Hosted PHP

  • Virtual Valley

    What would you do with an extra 8 hours a day? We connect virtual entrepreneurs with rockstar virtual team members. "Like Amazon 1-Click (but for...

    Commercial Web PHP