Harakirimail is a free disposable email service. Just send email to [email protected] and let us deal with the email (and all spam). And after 24H the email performs harakiri (seppuku), and you never have to see it again.
Guerrilla Mail gives you a disposable email address. You can give your email address to whomever you don't trust. You can read the email using Guerrilla Mail, click on any confirmation link, and even reply. .
guerrilla mail gives you a disposable email address. you can give your email address to whomever you don't trust.
you can read the email using guerrilla mail, click on any confirmation link, and even reply. any future spam sent to the disposable email will be zapped, never reaching your mail box, keeping your mail box safe and clean.
features: new email notifications pushed to your device no registration, no login, any email address is always ready for use emails permanently deleted after 1 hour alias address toggle (use an alias address for better privacy) inbox id history download and view attachments sending email: attach images, sent box, sending success report, save draft no ads, no tracking.
Official Website
Customizable Anonymity Bulk email sending
customizable anonymity anti-spam disposable-email spam bulk-email-sending https