BatteryMon is a battery monitoring software solution. It has been designed as an easy-to-use Windows based application that allows users to monitor the performance of...
Hunt down those battery draining Apps with the App Sucker • Always know your battery state and time left estimates with a optional status bar notification • Overlay the stock battery icon with the icon pack add-on.
hunt down those battery draining apps with the app sucker • always know your battery state and time left estimates with a optional status bar notification• overlay the stock battery icon with the icon pack addon.• dig deep into how an app uses your battery including wakelock details• sort your app suckers by things such as cpu & sensor usage, app wakelocks, wake time, and kernel wakelocks.• set a custom time reference to see stats over a certain period of time.• see time remaining estimates based on current and historical usage• see historical averages how long does your battery usually last?• add a widget to your home screen showing the battery status and time remaining• include all sorts of great battery information in your dashclock widget using the included dashclock extension• download or create your own icon themes• set customizable alarms for various charge states, temperature, and battery health
Productivity Utilities System and Hardware
battery-saver battery-monitoring
BatteryMon is a battery monitoring software solution. It has been designed as an easy-to-use Windows based application that allows users to monitor the performance of...
Free Personal Windows
Battery Widget Reborn (BETA) - screenshot thumbnailBattery Widget Reborn (BETA) - screenshot thumbnailBattery Widget Reborn (BETA) - screenshot thumbnailBattery Widget...
Freemium Android
Need to know how long you can watch your movie on your iPod? Wanna estimate how long you can talk over your mobile network? Or some times you need to make sure the...
Commercial iPhone
Description Due to major changes by Google in Kitkat root access is required to have access to all the features of BBS (see here for more details:...
Commercial Android
Battery Doc helps you maintaining the Battery of your iOS device by delivering precisely calculated information.
Shows your battery charge level (percent) as an icon in your status bar, with temperature, health, voltage, and time since plugged / unplugged in the notification area. It also has user-configurable alarms, logs, and widgets.
Free Open Source Android Android Tablet F-Droid
The professional power saving application software of battery rescuer helps you saving power and last long time for using mobile! Join many users who have enjoyed longer-lasting battery power! Battery Rescuer is a FREE battery saving...
Free Android
An application to count battery usage. Application will start count whenever power cable was disconnected from notebook, and will reset the count whenever the power is connected.
Commercial Mac OS X
Battery Optimizer is one of the best free battery saving app which extend your battery life and save more up to 65% by killing running apps with Battery Optimizers.
Free Android
Snapdragon BatteryGuru is a battery life saver app that extends battery performance and improves overall user experience by intelligently making changes that optimize device functionality in phones with Snapdragon mobile processors.
Free Android
Comodo Battery Saver makes your phone/tablet battery last a whole lot longer and slashes how often you need to put it on charge.
Free Android Android Tablet
The coolest way to check out your remaining battery power! The remaining battery power is visualized as a green, gravity sensitive fluid. Turn your device to any side...
Commercial iPhone
A battery monitor that offers measurements of your battery in 1% increments, detailed battery status indicators, a full-cycle charge, battery tips, and customizable...
Commercial iPhone
This relatively small application displays a floating semi-transparent battery meter on your screen, and the level of transparency changes as the battery drains. It...
Free Windows
Power Battery, as the most professional battery saver app, could get up about 60% more battery life for Android phones or tablets.
Free Android Android Tablet