bookmark ninja
Access your bookmarks on any device (desktop, notebook, mobile) in any browser All your bookmarks are kept private, Bookmark Ninja is not a social bookmarking site.
Gritwire is a set of useful tools for people who use the Web daily. Features SpeedFeed Reader Use our reader to organize feeds into folders, read and save content, or rate feeds and feed items.
gritwire is a set of useful tools for people who use the web daily.
speedfeed readeruse our reader to organize feeds into folders, read and save content, or rate feeds and feed items. and, if you have an opml file handy, you can upload all the feeds from there as well.
gritcast playerplay podcasts or videocasts in our media player. we support mp3s as well as most files that are currently supported in windows media player and quicktime.
friendsinvite friends to your network to enhance your gritwire experience. recommending your favorite feed items, start and share wikis, or discuss through gritwire.
inboxwhether your getting an invite from a friend or a recommendation to a feed, you'll be notified through your inbox. you can also start discussion logs with your friends there.
quicklinksit's really as simple as it sounds. add your favorite links, organize them into folders. they're there for safekeeping.
wikisour wikis are like a virtual notepad. use them to track notes or whatever information you'll want easily accessible. you can share and edit wikis with your friends.
Productivity Social Utilities Online Services Books News
note-taking bookmarks startpage personalized-homepage feed-reader friends favorites play-music podcasts