Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
greader is a client for feedly and the old reader , but it has an internal rss reader too. it allows offline caching and many reading options.
greader is a client for feedly and the old reader , but it has an internal rss reader too. it allows offline caching and many reading options.
features:* synchronization: use greader at home, at your office, or anywhere you go and keep your feeds, tags and shared items synched in one place.* 2way sync: synchronize your read items between greader and feedly/the old reader. keep your articles uptodate* auto synchronization: always have the latest news on your device* offline reading: reading full article content without internet connection* podcast support: download or stream your favorite podcast with greader.* user interface: simple, fast and intuitive* tabletoptimized: read your news more comfortable on a tablet* themes: light, green, sepia, black and dark* night mode: read your articles with white font on black background. save battery and increase readability in the night.* mark read on scroll: mark articles as read while scrolling* voicereading (texttospeech): listen to your news* search filters: search and filter keywords, save search results* folders / tags support: organize your feeds into folders/tags* notification: keep informed of the latest news* share articles via email, facebook, twitter, google+, ...* services: translation, mobilizer (google, instapaper, readability)* save to pocket (read it later) / instapaper / readability* list view: list, grid or card* sort: by newest, by oldest, by feed* quick and swipe actions: faster access to useful functions* rich article list (snippet and thumbnail)* widget: icon widget with unread badge* easy reading: reading mode view, inverse webpage color* fullscreen mode: enlarge your reading space* https connection: use http secure to get your feeds* backup/restore: backup/restore your preferences
Night mode Text to Speech Readability integration Instapaper integration Pocket integration HTTPS Support Offline Reading
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