Weave News Reader
Weave is a news reader that lets you follow any website or blog you are interested in at any time. We provide a huge set of built-in news sources grouped by categories...
greader is a client for feedly and the old reader , but it has an internal rss reader too. it allows offline caching and many reading options.
greader is a client for feedly and the old reader , but it has an internal rss reader too. it allows offline caching and many reading options.
features:* synchronization: use greader at home, at your office, or anywhere you go and keep your feeds, tags and shared items synched in one place.* 2way sync: synchronize your read items between greader and feedly/the old reader. keep your articles uptodate* auto synchronization: always have the latest news on your device* offline reading: reading full article content without internet connection* podcast support: download or stream your favorite podcast with greader.* user interface: simple, fast and intuitive* tabletoptimized: read your news more comfortable on a tablet* themes: light, green, sepia, black and dark* night mode: read your articles with white font on black background. save battery and increase readability in the night.* mark read on scroll: mark articles as read while scrolling* voicereading (texttospeech): listen to your news* search filters: search and filter keywords, save search results* folders / tags support: organize your feeds into folders/tags* notification: keep informed of the latest news* share articles via email, facebook, twitter, google+, ...* services: translation, mobilizer (google, instapaper, readability)* save to pocket (read it later) / instapaper / readability* list view: list, grid or card* sort: by newest, by oldest, by feed* quick and swipe actions: faster access to useful functions* rich article list (snippet and thumbnail)* widget: icon widget with unread badge* easy reading: reading mode view, inverse webpage color* fullscreen mode: enlarge your reading space* https connection: use http secure to get your feeds* backup/restore: backup/restore your preferences
Night mode Text to Speech Readability integration Instapaper integration Pocket integration HTTPS Support Offline Reading
Productivity Social Books News
night-mode rss rss-feed-reader share-on-facebook text-to-speech feed-reader https-support readability-integration share-on-twitter share-news instapaper-integration podcast pocket-integration feedly-client offline-reading
Weave is a news reader that lets you follow any website or blog you are interested in at any time. We provide a huge set of built-in news sources grouped by categories...
Freemium Windows Phone
News is a new, revolutionary RSS Reader exclusive to IOS. News allows you to easily read ALL your favourite newspapers, magazines, blogs, RSS feeds in a SINGLE screen!...
as google reader is dying, i needed a tool to retrieve all my starred and shared items.
Open source planet framework blog aggregator RSS in PHP.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
Caffeinated 2.0 is a fast, easy to use, stand alone RSS reader. Built upon version 1.3.3's base system it has been rewritten to be completely stand alone, fast and...
Commercial Mac OS X
Displays a sidebar that lets you manage your RSS feeds in a folder tree view in Firefox 57+. A "Legacy" theme is available to have look close to...
Free Open Source Web Firefox
FeedLatest is a lightweight and easy to use RSS reader that can grant you easy access to all the news subscriptions you have from various websites and blogs. It's...
Free Windows
Omea Reader is a free and easy to use RSS reader, NNTP news reader, and web bookmark manager. It's fast, it aggregates, and it keeps you organized. Check out the...
Free Windows
[dormant: the app depended on google reader and it will be dormant until ios 7 will be released in late september.
Commercial iPad
Rooster is a powerful and flexible RSS feeds reader for Windows. It allows us to: • Simultaneously download articles for multiple feeds. • Schedule general checks...
Commercial Windows
RSS Captor is an easy-to-use RSS client with a three-pane interface. Feeds are listed on the left, a list of stories on the top right, and details on the lower right....
Freemium Windows
RSS Runner is the fastest and simplest feed reader for iPod Touch and iPhone ! Now optimized for iOS 6 and iPhone 5! - Multitasking fast-app switching: you can...
Free iPhone