yEd Graph Editor
yEd is a powerful diagram editor that can be used to quickly create diagrams manually or import external data for analysis and auto-magically arrange even large data sets by just pressing a button.
Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. It has several main graph layout programs. It also has web and interactive graphical interfaces, and auxiliary tools, libraries, and language bindings.
graphviz is open source graph visualization software. it has several main graph layout programs. it also has web and interactive graphical interfaces, and auxiliary tools, libraries, and language bindings.
graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks.the graphviz layout programs take descriptions of graphs in a simple text language, and make diagrams in several useful formats such as images and svg for web pages, postscript for inclusion in pdf or other documents; or display in an interactive graph browser. (graphviz also supports gxl, an xml dialect.)
Productivity Phots and Graphics
svg graphs graph-visualization
yEd is a powerful diagram editor that can be used to quickly create diagrams manually or import external data for analysis and auto-magically arrange even large data sets by just pressing a button.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD Web
OmniGraffle can help you make eye-popping graphic documents—quickly—by providing powerful styling tools, keeping lines connected to shapes even when they’re moved, and magically organizing diagrams with just one click.
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Diagrammix is a tool for efficiently building attractive diagrams. If you are an office worker, developer, manager, supervisor, student or home user you can draw almost anything in extremely simple and intuitive way.
An on-premise graph visualization and analysis software to investigate complex connected data.
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Delineato - the italian word for "outline". Designed using the WYSIWYN paradigm - What You See Is What You Need - this carefully crafted application is...
Free online app for creating directed graphs, theories of change and other diagrams just by typing text.
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