Password Live
Password Live is a generator of complex and secure passwords that you never need to remember!
Google Smart Lock is a Password Manager in Google Chrome and is also a Two-Factor Authentication tool for Google accounts on iOS and Android.
Google Smart Lock is a Password Manager in Google Chrome and is also a TwoFactor Authentication tool for Google accounts on iOS and Android.
web-based two-factor-authentication gmail passwords autofill chrome-pass chrome-password googlepass lastpass pass paswords roboform tokibaba
Password Live is a generator of complex and secure passwords that you never need to remember!
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Windows Phone
A short program of free, on-demand coaching to enable non-technical people to safely create, use and manage strong and unique passwords without having to learn complex...
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Web
Password Repository is the iOS app to manage all your passwords and all the related data in a safe way on your iOS device. Password Repository it's a document based...
Commercial Mac OS X iPhone
With PasswordsPro, you can store all your passwords and web site data access in a single file protected with only one master password.
Commercial Windows Linux
Web-based, multi-user, secure password safe/manager with delegated access controls.
Free Open Source Self-Hosted
EfficientPIM is a full-featured personal organizer software program that can help you organize and plan your business and private life. (Free Edition and Portable...
Freemium Windows