The online media in one filterable news feed. Feedstripes is a fully personalizable media monitor, and article search engine, where you can combine your favorite keywords, feeds and tags to 'stripes'.
Google Reader was a Web-based aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds online or offline.
Google Reader was a Webbased aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds online or offline.
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The online media in one filterable news feed. Feedstripes is a fully personalizable media monitor, and article search engine, where you can combine your favorite keywords, feeds and tags to 'stripes'.
Free Web
Self-hosted (PHP/MySQL) feeds aggregator - Google Reader alternative - Import OPML - Add a feed or website URL (feed detection) - Responsive desktop, tablet and mobile - Main keyboard shortcuts from Google Reader - Shared items with public...
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SimpleNews - Simple, modern, intuitive News-Reader!
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RSS Bandit is a standalone reader that has many attractive features, allowing a user to merge news headlines from multiple sources onto a single page, and organize articles based on keyword, read/unread status, and date.
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