Whether you're a morning lark or night owl, SunsetScreen allows you to set the time of the sunset and sunrise, so you can have full control over your sleep cycle.
GoodNight is an IOS app developped by @anthonya1999 (Github).It allows you to adjust the screen temperature, brightness, and color. GoodNight isn't downloadable...
goodnight is an app that allows you to directly access the screen's gamma levels, and modify it using iomobileframebuffer. with this you can do any of the following:
change the screen temperature,put the brightness lower than ios would normally allow you toadjust the rgb values of the framebuffer,this application uses dlsym, which loads in the private symbols at runtime, rather than using headers, so no additional setup is needed once you download the source.(guide to install:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu62ilaqpqm )
eye-strain night-mode sleep sleep-better eye-protection luminosity