Simple way to manage your todo list in AJAX style. Written in PHP and jQuery. Data stored in SQLite or MySQL database. Distributed under the GNU GPL License. ...
Go For It! is a simple and stylish productivity app, featuring a to-do list, merged with a timer that keeps your focus on the current task. Go For It uses Todo.txt as a backend and the Pomodoro technique for the timer.
go for it! is a simple and stylish productivity app, featuring a todo list, merged with a timer that keeps your focus on the current task. go for it uses todo.txt as a backend and the pomodoro technique for the timer.
todo lists are stored in the todo.txt format. this simplifies synchronization with mobile devices and makes it possible to edit tasks using other frontends, like my todo.txt kupfer plugin.
task-management task-manager todo-manager tasks task-list pomodoro-technique timer pomodoro-timer
Simple way to manage your todo list in AJAX style. Written in PHP and jQuery. Data stored in SQLite or MySQL database. Distributed under the GNU GPL License. ...
Free Self-Hosted
An electron wrapper for wunderlist made with love for Linux (specially for elementary OS).
Free Open Source Linux
Timeline is your personal task assistant. Times of simple to-do lists are gone. Instant flow of duties, growing amount of projects and deadlines becomes...
Freemium Android
RightTasks places your Google Tasks in a right sidebar in Gmail, like in Google Calendar. This is especially useful if you keep Gmail open and want to see your tasks...
Free Windows Chrome Firefox Opera
agendarium orders goals and tasks that are important to you and your teams.
Free Web
It’s an AI-powered mobile application engineered to help you achieve your life goals. It removes the annoyances and stress of keeping up with your task list by...
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad
A Productivity Tool designed around simplicity and efficiency, while giving you a lot more flexibility to manage your tasks.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux
A checklist made by, easy short and fun to use.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux Web Windows Mobile