The problem with other ad-blockers for Safari is that they are implemented as awful hacks: as an InputManager and/or ApplicationEnhancer.
Open Source
Mac OS X
the problem with other adblockers for safari is that they are implemented as awful hacks: as an inputmanager and/or applicationenhancer. this compromises the stability of safari and very often create problems when apple releases a new version of safari. snow leopard doesnt support the inputmanagerbased blockers when safari runs in 64bit mode.
glimmerblocker is implemented as an http proxy, so the stability of safari isnt compromised because it doesnt use any hacks. it is even compatible with all other browsers and other native mac os x applications which uses http, e.g. netnewswire.
Quero AdBlock IE XML is an InPrivate Filtering XML-based Ad Blocker for Internet Explorer 8 and Quero AdBlock IE TPL is an ad blocking Tracking Protection List (TPL) for Internet Explorer 9. Both are based on the Adblock Plus EasyList.
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