GoldenDict is an open-source dictionary program for PC computers that gives translations of words and phrases for different languages. It allows use of several popular dictionary file formats simultaneously.
gKamus is a dictionary program, it translates single English word to it's Indonesian means and vice-versa, it's also equipped with fancy English Tenses, English Irregular Verb Tables and English Alphabet List.
gkamus is a dictionary program, it translates single english word to it's indonesian means and viceversa, it's also equipped with fancy english tenses, english irregular verb tables and english alphabet list. gkamus is written in c and gtk+ and licensed under the gpl version 2.
gkamus should run on linux and other *nix system that has gtk+ support. the previous version of gkamus run on windows platform but it's no longer supported.
how to build and install it?
gkamus shipped with standard gnu build system, you will need gcc, make and gtk+ development files to build it. consult your distribution package manager to install these required packages, see readme file included in source tarball for the complete instructions.
Productivity Games Education and Reference
language-translation dictionary english-indonesia