Google Keep
Google Keep has several features including color coding notes, inserting images, creating lists, geo-fencing, shareable notes, and search by color.
Ghostnote adds contextual notes to almost anything on your mac. Add notes & todos to folders, applications, open documents, even websites. Think about it as post-it-notes for your OS.
ghostnote adds contextual notes to almost anything on your mac. add notes & todos to folders, applications, open documents, even websites. think about it as postitnotes for your os.
not everything is a precious quote, your grocery list or your million dollar business ideas. sometimes you just need to keep some information for a shorter period of time without wanting to waste time organizing it or find it again. ghostnote is made for those situations. we call it contextual notes. always just one click away.
add notes to:
applications documents folders websites
furthermore add notes on document level access to:
apple products
iphoto keynote numbers pages xcode itunes preview terminal safari quicktime textedit system preferences
microsoft office
word excel powerpoint
adobe suite
photoshop cc illustrator cc indesign cc aftereffects cc premiere cc lightroom cc flash cc acrobat cc
sketch sublime text textmate colloquy atom github for mac intellij appcode airmail
url access in the following browsers
safari chrome
Official Website
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note-taking task-management file-management automation productivity-tool development evernote-integration