Kana Reminder
Kana Reminder is a program which can be used to set a reminder to be triggered at a specified time. It can also be used to run another program at a specified time. ...
Getting Things Gnome! is an organizer for the GNOME desktop environment. GTG focuses on usability and ease of use. Its main objective is to provide a simple, powerful and flexible organization tool to the GNOME desktop environment.
getting things gnome! is an organizer for the gnome desktop environment.
gtg focuses on usability and ease of use. its main objective is to provide a simple, powerful and flexible organization tool to the gnome desktop environment.
gtg uses a very handy text edition system for task creation and edition. the task editor can automatically recognize metadata such as tags and subtasks only by the use of a very simple syntax. if you wanna know more about this, please read getting started with gtg.
todo-manager getting-things-done