Userlike Live Chat
Userlike is free live chat software for website and mobile support. Chat with your website visitors, offer a friendly service, and raise your conversion rate. .
Online surveys, opt-in forms, live chats, contact forms, website notifications, follow and share widgets - all essential tools for a website owner managed from a single dashboard. Beautiful, customizable and very easy-to-use.
essential tools for website owners optin forms, online surveys, live chats, contact forms, website notifications, follow and share social widgets easily managed from a single control panel.
7 types of widgets:create and manage surveys, live chats, contact forms, promo notifications, optin forms, follow and share widgets from a single dashboard.
9 widget positions:top or bottom bars, modal windows, buttons, panels or slideouts choose any form for your widgets and place them anywhere on a page.
behavior settings:full control over the widget's behavior choose when to start and stop to display the widget and how often your site visitors should see it.
exit popups:stop visitors from leaving your site with a message shown just before they exit: offer a discount, invite to subscribe, complete a survey or like your page.
integrations:mailchimp, infusionsoft, aweber, getresponse, constant contact, campaign monitor, activecampaign, mailerlite, mad mimi, icontact, convertkit, verticalresponse, mailjet, drip, easysendy, zapier, slack
google analytics integration
customizable success message
advanced targetingtarget visitors by country, device, browser, os, traffic source, ip or utm parameters. select one parameter or combine several ones to personalize widget content for different groups of visitors and engage your target audience.
custom imagesadd custom images to create unique professionallylooking website widgets: choose an image from our extensive gallery or upload your own.
autorespondercreate custom messages that will be automatically sent to those who have subscribed to your newsletter, completed a survey or used your contact form.
a/b testingcreate several versions of the same widget and let your website visitors determine the winner to find out what colors, layout, texts and calltoactions work best.
survey logic and branchinguse advanced survey logic to direct respondents through different paths in a survey.
Official Website
Slack integration Mailchimp integration Zapier integration Auto responder Auto Follow up Mail Customer Chat Behavioural targeting Geo Targeting Google Analytics Integrated
Productivity Developer Tools Social Online Services
chat-clients slack-integration widgets mailchimp-integration zapier-integration auto-responder share-on-facebook poll live-chat blogging form-builder surveys web-design follow-up-mail customer-chat lead-generation contact-forms widget survey-tool alert-bar behavioural-targeting exit-intent exit-popup geo-targeting google-analytics-integrated notification-bar popups share-on-twitter subscribe-button survey-creator