Standard Notes
Love Notes. Love Encryption. Standard Notes is a safe place for your notes, thoughts, and life's work. It's simple. Standard Notes is the easiest notes app you'll ever use.
geeknote is an opensource evernote console client for linux, freebsd and mac os x.
geeknote is an opensource evernote console client for linux, freebsd and mac os x. use it for system administration needs, creating notes, notebooks, sync your local directories with evernote notebooks.
sync directories with evernote
syncronize local directories and files with evernote. geeknote will read and upload as a notes all text files in your local directory to evernote.
read notes from console
geeknote allows you to search your evernote notes, and output them to console in textplain mode.
edit with nano, vi, vim
edit your evernote notes with any console editor you like nano, vi, vim, mcedit, etc ...save changes and geeknote will automatically upload them to evernote.