Media Companion
Media Companion is the original free to use Movie/TV Show manager and organizer that offers full XBMC integration.
GCstar is a free open source application for managing your collections. Detailed information on each item can be automatically retrieved from the internet and you can store additional data, such as the location or who you've lent it to.
gcstar is a free open source application for managing your collections. detailed information on each item can be automatically retrieved from the internet and you can store additional data, such as the location or who you've lent it to. you may also search and filter your collection by many criteria.
gcstar manages these collections: * movies * video games * books * music * numismatic * wines * board games * comic books * tv shows episodes * stamps * periodicals * mini vehicles * smart cards * tv shows (series) * computer software * user defined collections
languages: arabic, bulgarian, catalan, chinese (traditional), czech, dutch, english, french, galician, german, greek, hungarian, indonesian, italian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, serbian, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian
Productivity Games Utilities Video Online Services Books News
multi-language literature-management collection-manager collection movie-catalog movie-manager