SearchMyFiles is a non-indexing portable alternative to the standard "Search For Files And Folders" module of Windows.
Gaviri SearchOS - Search Desktop, E-Mails, Network and Mobile Devices. The free version is not portable and cannot search in network folders. The universal search engine for all your desktop, mobile and network needs.
gaviri searchos search desktop, emails, network and mobile devices. the free version is not portable and cannot search in network folders. the universal search engine for all your desktop, mobile and network needs. finding files, email, pictures, songs and other documents on any of the many devices, laptop or desktop you use is plug & play! plug in the device and find. pocketsearch runs on flash drives, sd cards, digital cameras and on many other portable devices. supports indexing and searching of network drives.
Portable File search Outlook search
portable outlook file-search network-scanning email-search outlook-search