Facebook Messenger
Facebook Messenger is a faster way to message. Reach friends right on their phones, get and send messages fast, message everyone at once and more.
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Facebook Messenger is a faster way to message. Reach friends right on their phones, get and send messages fast, message everyone at once and more.
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Nimbuzz offers limited availablility free calls and limited availability free text messaging for users via 3G and WiFi. Calls to other Nimbuzz users are free. PAY to call mobile or landline phones for as little as $0.
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Stay in touch with your friends and family while sharing favorite photos using one of the most popular instant messaging applications.
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ICQ is one of the oldest instant messengers. First developed by the Israeli company Mirabilis, sold to AOL, sold again and currenly owned by the Russian "mail.ru" group (known for one of the largest social networks).
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miranda new generation is a successor of a popular multi-protocol instant messaging client for windows - miranda im . very light on system resources and extremely fast.
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instantbird is an instant messaging client based on mozilla xulrunner and the open source library libpurple created by the software developers of pidgin .
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Conversations is a privacy focused, open source XMPP Texting [Jabber] client for Android 4.0+ smart phones with wife-approved easy encryption [OTR, OMEMO, or GPG].
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