The Best 66 Gammadyne Mailer Alternatives

  • MPZ Mail

    MPZ Mail is an advanced mail client used for mass email marketing. It has detailed statistics so you can track you email campaigns clicks, opens and much more.

    Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Windows Phone

  • AltosMail

    AltosMail is a mail marketing software. Features: Marketing automation, email marketing, lead scoring, responsive newsletter, form and page management.

    Freemium Web

  • Constant Contact

    Email marketing software that makes it easy to create professional HTML email campaigns with no tech skills Has a 60-Day FREE trial.

    Commercial Web

  • 1and1Mail

    1and1Mail is a free email marketing software to send out mass email campaigns, manage email contacts, and design email newsletters for small and medium business.

    Freemium Windows

  • Sugester

    Sugester is a cloud-based CRM, helpdesk, live chat and project management solution - our easy-to-use browser interface allows you to manage your entire company without...

    Freemium Web

  • JangoMail

    JangoMail’s unique marketing platform makes email delivery simple and customizable. In addition to standard business email solutions, JangoMail’s powerful custom email...

    Commercial Web

  • mailmark

    Send emails and know when they were opened. Keep detaile email logs to who they were sent and when. A memo system to help organizations notify thier members.

    Freemium Web

  • Flexmail Solution

    Effectively manage your contacts and segment them into different target groups. Design captivating and successful email messages, send email campaigns with the best...

    Commercial Web

  • VerticalResponse Email Marketing

    VerticalResponse is the only email marketing solution you need to build your opt-in mailing lists, send targeted email newsletters and track results, right from your...

    Commercial Web

  • BombBomb

    Video email is your next step to better email marketing results. BombBomb uses HTML5 to deliver video in your email to have the highest impact in your email campaigns....

    Commercial Web

  • SwiftERM

    Email Remarketing – totally automated solution Easy to install plugin for your cart, that delivers personal emails automatically. SwiftERM is the automated email...

    Commercial Web

  • ActiveTrail

    ActiveTrail™ is a market leader in email marketing, offering web-based email marketing solutions and services for organizations who want to maintain an active...

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Chrome OS Web