Kodu Game Lab
Kodu lets kids create games on the PC and XBox via a simple visual programming language. Kodu can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as...
Design your own computer games with a drag-and-drop event/action system, and introduce yourself to coding at your own pace.
Continuing the legacy of Mark Overmars' Animo and Game Maker, GameMaker: Studio is a proprietary gamecreation system which can export to multiple platforms including Windows, HTML5, Linux, iOS, Mac and Android.Often considered the fastest and easiesttouse crossplatform game IDE technology, GameMaker: Studio allows developers to create games in a single codebase and then publish them to run natively across a wide number of mobile, desktop, and web platforms.
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Games
ide game-creation game-development android-game-maker iphone-game-maker