Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux and Windows. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath.
galculator is a GTK 2 / GTK 3 based calculator with ordinary notation/reverse Polish notation (RPN), a formula entry mode, different number bases (DEC, HEX, OCT, BIN) and different units of angular measure (DEG, RAD, GRAD).
galculator is a gtk 2 / gtk 3 based calculator with ordinary notation/reverse polish notation (rpn), a formula entry mode, different number bases (dec, hex, oct, bin) and different units of angular measure (deg, rad, grad). it supports quadprecision floating point and 112bit binary arithmetic.
[features] galculator's main features include
algebraic mode, rpn (reverse polish notation), formula entry and paper mode decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary number base radiant, degree and grad support basic and scientific mode user defined constants and functions trigonometric functions, power, square root, natural and common logarithm, inverse and hyperbolic functions binary arithmetic of configurable bit length and signedness quadprecision floating point arithmetic 112bit binary arithmetic copy and paste available in more than 20 translations.
Productivity Business and Commerce Education and Reference
xfce gtk calculator basic rpn