Google Plus
The Google+ project aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life.
Gab is an ad-free social network dedicated to free speech. Gab is built for creators and people like you.
gab is an adfree social network for creators who believe in free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information online. all are welcome to speak freely on gab and always will be.
post “gabs,” 300 character messages, and speak your mind edit gabs and transparently see what was changed and at what time mute words, users, hashtags, and topics you do not want to see in your feed follow other "gabbers" from around the world and be followed back upvote or downvote gabs that you like or dislike react to gabs with emoji reactions organize gabs and discover new people with categories like art, news, and sports gabs are also displayed in a chronological home feed, something that is no longer a default option on other social networks
Free Speech Ad free Anonymity Anticensorship Live stream Dark mode Support for SD videos Word filtering
Productivity Developer Tools Social
free-speech ad-free social-network anonymity twitter anticensorship live-stream livestream content-creators dark-mode gabtv no-censorship speak-freely support-for-sd-videos word-filtering