Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
Futuramo Time Tracker is a time tracking, work management and productivity app used by freelancers and businesses to track, analyze and manage work time more effectively. The advanced statistics provide great insights on daily work habits.
futuramo time tracker is a cloudbased time tracking app for better time and work management. the advanced statistics provide great insights on daily work habits, letting you improve time and cost estimates in the future. the app offers a rich set of features that allow individuals and teams visualize, prioritize and manage work.
timerstrack and assign time to any given client and project. pause it anytime or stop when you’re done.
manual time recording track time offline, introduce or edit records manually for any project with maximum speed and simplicity.
advanced statisticsrealtime stats let you track your time and follow your team's activity. time spent on particular projects and clients is visualized in a clear, filtrable stats chart where all the key data are visible at a glance.
powerful filtersuse the filters panel to quickly filter information. easily find what you’re looking for.
time tracker is free for up to 3 users. try it for free and invite more members to your team. projects & clients managementcreate the unlimited number of projects and clients within an organization. manage your client and project list across the entire futuramo cloud platform without having to switch logins.
user roles & permissionsassign different roles to users within your organization. control user permissions to keep some information private and ensure people can only access what they are supposed to.
time tracker, along with futuramo visual tickets, futuramo tasks and futuramo icons, builds unique, innovative work environment — futuramo platform. designed with teams in mind, provides powerful tools to work creatively and productively.
Official Website
time-management productivity-app productivity-tool time-tracking timesheet timesheets time-tracking-tool timer double-donut-chart