MicroApache - A Portable Apache Server for Windows "This is a microscopic and very-heavily trimmed-down version of the standard, Apache server; made available...
FuguHub lets you set up and operate your own secure file-sharing site, even if you're not a techie. FuguHub is an easy-to-use server that runs either on your own computer/device or on your own private online cloud/VPS server.
fuguhub lets you set up and operate your own secure filesharing site, even if you're not a techie. fuguhub is an easytouse server that runs either on your own computer/device or on your own private online cloud/vps server.
create your own private or your own multiuser file storage system, and share files with friends, family, or business colleagues. create and run your own website, blog, and forum without paying an outside firm to host it. ensure your online privacy and provide secure, unblocked, encrypted access to the internet with our tunnel/proxy (vpn) technology. automatically and securely distribute files of any size, even huge files, to any number of contacts via regular email.
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