SpaceSniffer is a tool application that gives you an idea of how folders and files are structured on your disks.
FS-Inspect is an easy to use tool designed to give you an overview about your files and directories (Disk Usage). On start up, it reads recursively the inspected...
fsinspect is an easy to use tool designed to give you an overview about your files and directories (disk usage).
on start up, it reads recursively the inspected directory and presents the content in two useful views:
* the folder view, shows the directory tree, subfolders are sorted by size.* the type view, shows all file types found, sorted by the total size.
in the post scan, the utility start searching for duplicates. all duplicates are listed in the file view, colored depending on their md5checksum.
it is possible to configure the duplicate search in the settings. to optimize the duplicate search, hashes are stored in a database. if a directory is inspected many a time, there is no need to compute the performanceexpensive checksum again.
Portable Tree view Duplicate Files Finder
portable tree-view duplicate-file-finder folder-size disk-space disk-usage