Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Fresh Reader is a web-based, server type RSS and Atom feed reader. You can download and install it into your server or PC, just extract the downloaded file to the folder where your web server can get access.
fresh reader is a webbased, server type rss and atom feed reader. you can download and install it into your server or pc, just extract the downloaded file to the folder where your web server can get access.
runs fast in your hands
fresh reader runs on your server or pc, which means you can host or install a webbased feed reader exclusively for you.
it is up to you where you host your fresh reader. it runs in your intranet as well as internet, not just for yourself, but for your group members, and for both business and personal uses. in any cases, it runs fast.
your fresh reader is always standby for you.read once, search later
fresh reader adopts a framed design and shows all the unread contents in a single page so that you can navigate them without any interruptions.
all the contents you see are archived for you. you can search your contents easily and quickly.
if you find important web pages while reading, you can bookmark them with your keywords. fresh reader automatically generates a keyword shortcut to them for later search.subscribe your interests
fresh reader syndicates with fresh feed, a keyword based feed generator. you can subscribe major search engines with your keyword by just a single step.
you can even subscribe to the web page that does not support feed syndications. fresh reader converts text links into a feed automatically.
if you use fresh reader in a group, you can share popular bookmarks, popular sites and related sites with your group members.
Productivity Social Books News
web-based Discontinued rss-feed-reader atom feed-reader