Insomnia REST Client
A powerful REST API Client with cookie management, environment variables, code generation, and authentication for Mac, Window, and Linux.
FRequest is a fast, lightweight and opensource Windows / MacOS desktop program to make HTTP(s) requests (e.g. call REST apis).
frequest is a fast, lightweight and opensource windows / macos desktop program to make http(s) requests (e.g. call rest apis).
frequest aims to provide a similar interface to an integrated development environment program (ide) but for http(s) apis. it should be fast, cross platform, lightweight, practical with a native look. also it is important that project files can be easily shared and work seamless with version control system (vcs) for collaborative work.
the current features of frequest are:
make get / post / put / delete / patch / head / trace / options http(s) requestsmake http requests with raw / form data or xformwwwurlencoded body typessend file uploads over the http body type form dataanalyze the requests response body and headersrequests are contained in a project, this project is then saved in xml file on user’s desired locationability to override a project main url, so you can make requests to different domain name addresses within the same projectability to download files from the requestsautomatically beautify and apply syntax highlighting for json and xmlsupport for authentication (http basic authentication and request based authentication) which can be saved either in the program configuration file (for private use) or the project file itself (for shared use)the frequest project files are stored in a way which allow easy collaboration via a vcs like git, svn or team foundation serverability to add any kind of custom http headers to the requests (automatically by taking the type in account or adding them manually)network proxy support
frequest is licensed under gpl 3.0 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl3.0.en.html ).
Portable REST API Configurable request timeout
Productivity Developer Tools System and Hardware
portable file-upload web-development api rest-api developer-tools https api-based-programs api-management json http authentication xml configurable-proxy configurable-request-timeout http-client http-proxy download-files