A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file.
Smartest way to work on your computer. Freeter is a productivity app that allows you to gather everything you need to work in one place and access them quickly and easily.
Smartest way to work on your computer. Freeter is a productivity app that allows you to gather everything you need to work in one place and access them quickly and easily.
Workflow Automation Program Launcher
Productivity Business and Commerce Backup and Sync
project-management task-management task-manager todo-manager getting-things-done task-list-manager workflow organizer notes-manager productivity-app productivity-tool task-list search-tool workflow-automation taskmanager workflow-tool application-launcher launcher productivity-improvement productivity-tools freelancing organize-desktop organize-files freelancer-software dashboard dashboards creative-workflow file-tools portable-launcher productivity-utilities workflow-applications
A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file.
Free Open Source Windows Linux
AllMyNotes Organizer is a multi-functional hierarchical information manager for Windows.
Freemium Windows
XLaunchpad gives you instant access to all your shortcuts. Arrange apps in XLaunchpad any way you like by dragging icons to different locations or by grouping apps in folders. Simply drag one icon over another to create a folder.
Dead simple to use personal kanban board application. Works offline in offline mode, no internet connections ever required. Free, can be used commercially. Built-in configurable timer (work/short pause/long pause intervals, sound).
Free Windows
My Suite is a lightweight Windows application whose purpose is to help you create a user-defined list with programs that can be run with minimum effort. It comes in...
Commercial Windows
File/Folder Launcher (FFLauncher) is a simple, very easy to use application specially designed to help you launch files and folders. This utility will also offer you...
Commercial Windows
Faster access to your favorite files, folders, programs, etc.
Commercial Windows
Quick Cliq is a portable menu based application launcher and productivity tool with features that you won’t find anywhere else! Quick Cliq speeds up your daily...
Free Windows
8start Launcher is a combination of innovative Application Launcher, countdown and Tree Notes/Shortcuts/Favorites. Launcher Features - Organize shortcuts into...
Free Windows
MaxLauncher is a simple tabbed launcher that was designed to reduce the amount of time to find and run a program. It is capable of creating multiple data files, each of...
Free Open Source Windows
EfficientPIM is a full-featured personal organizer software program that can help you organize and plan your business and private life. (Free Edition and Portable...
Freemium Windows