Scan to PDF
Scan, Print, Fax, Download and Store Microsoft Office, PDF and Text Documents and images. This app turns your iPhone or iPad into a Handy Scanner, Fax, File Storage...
freeocr is a scan & ocr program including the tesseract free ocr engine, also known as a tesseract gui. it includes a windows installer, and it is very simple to use.
freeocr is a scan & ocr program including the tesseract free ocr engine, also known as a tesseract gui. it includes a windows installer, and it is very simple to use. freeocr supports multipage tiffs, fax documents as well as most image types including compressed tiffs, which the tesseract engine on its own cannot read. it can handle pdf formats and is also compatible with twain scanners.
the tesseract free ocr engine is an open source product released by google. it was developed at hewlett packard laboratories between 1985 and 1995. in 1995 it was one of the top 3 performers at the ocr accuracy contest organized by university of nevada.
ocr text-recognition pdf-ocr image-processing