Zoner Photo Studio
Zoner Photo Studio is a feature-rich image viewer and image organizer software. It also features many editing functions including 16 bits per color channel.
Fragment is an image viewer with cool features like: Upload and Share, HUD User Interface, Peeking and Skimming, Animated GIFs, History, Thumbnails, Fill View and it is fast! Features: * Lightweight; * Fast startup, image...
fragment is an image viewer with cool features like: upload and share,hud user interface,peeking and skimming,animated gifs,history,thumbnails,fill viewand it is fast!
* lightweight;* fast startup, image loading and onscreen navigation, using opengl;* unique hud interface;* unique fill view mode (maximum usage of application window);* unique unconstrained pan (image can freely be moved around);* unique smart window resize (resize the window around center of attention);* unique peek and skim browsing options;* pan and zoom are preserved while browsing ("lock zoom");* "back" button, to navigate a history of viewed images and directories;* fast, resizable thumbnails for all images in the current directory;high dynamic range image (hdr) support (hdr, exr, pfm, tiff);* upload and share module;* upload to facebook is fully implemented, with comments and album selection;* support of drag&drop and copy&paste of images for upload;
Official Website
Lightweight Drag n drop Upload directly to Facebook
Productivity Social Utilities Phots and Graphics
lightweight drag-and-drop upload-images image-viewer upload-to-facebook image-browser animated-gif