A completely free file sharing service, upload files up to 50GB without limits, securely & anonymously. Files are encrypted & stored securely in the cloud, for 30 days for free, and permanently for pro users. .
Foldder is a file hosting service. It works by letting users upload files to its servers and share them online. With Foldder.com you can host files, images, videos, audio and flash on the same place.
foldder is a file hosting service. it works by letting users upload files to its servers and share them online. with foldder.com you can host files, images, videos, audio and flash on the same place. a unique aspect of this file hosting service is that it does not provide a search function for its users or any sort of file directory that could be used to navigate its online file base. foldder can be used and accessed by people without requiring them to sign up for it, but it offers higher uploading limits to those who pay a monthly fee.
Productivity Video Online Services File Sharing Backup and Sync
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