Chrome extension to read breaking news and personalized articles in browser's new tab. It gathers news across 1000s of sources, learns your reading habits and recommends articles based on your profile and topics you are interested in.
offline reader for twitter and blogs. fetches full articles when online, and formats them for mobile reading. flyne uses twitter lists and http://alternativein .
offline reader for twitter and blogs. fetches full articles when online, and formats them for mobile reading.
flyne uses twitter lists and feedly categories to provide you with news on real time from the most famous blogs, to your most trusted friends.
flyne fetches full articles from twitter for offline viewing, and displays it in a clean, mobile friendly format.
flyne presents articles in a gorgeous, mobile friendly way, allowing you to flick through titles and full screen pictures for the best reading experience, no matter your current internet connection.
Productivity Social Books News
Discontinued twitter news-reader offline-reading feedly
Chrome extension to read breaking news and personalized articles in browser's new tab. It gathers news across 1000s of sources, learns your reading habits and recommends articles based on your profile and topics you are interested in.
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Feeddler is a fast and highly customizable RSS Reader that presents RSS stories in an easy-to-ready interface. Feeddler is a universal app that supports iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads. The free version is ad-supported.
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The Feed Sidebar is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox Web browser that displays the new items from your Live Bookmarks in the sidebar.
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slow feeds: rediscover your feeds with this unique and smart rss client for ios. features - syncs with feedbin , newsblur and http://alternativein .
My name is Newsdippides, the successor of ancient Pheidippides, and I am a virtual news robot.
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RSS Desktop Aggregator is a work in progress C# 4.0 productivity and time saver app that read and display RSS feeds and Outlook Items. Some of Desktop Aggregator Features are: •Manually/Automatically refresh modes.
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ttrss-reader is a client application for the project tiny tiny rss , a php-based online feedreader which runs on your own webspace.
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Web based RSS aggregator. Providing millions of news from over than 150,000 publishers.
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clonereader is a clone of google reader , actually in beta. open source. responsive. search in all feeds remote login. import subscriptions.xml and starred.json from google reader. remote storage. multi language.
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Microreader - Very simple web based RSS/Atom reader. Written in python with bottle.
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Online RSS Aggregator / Feed Reader with article filtering, programmatic editing, full-text search. Supports OpenID Logins.
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