LinkedIn Pulse
LinkedIn Pulse is the news app tailored to you. What’s New: - A new streamlined reading experience and simplified navigation make it even easier to discover compelling professional content.
flipora is a Personal Browsing History Search Engine.
flipora is a personal browsing history search engine. with flipora every page that you visit on the internet gets added to a collection called your personal web memory and flipora makes this collection, searchable across all the computers you use. thanks to flipora, there is no need to ever bookmark a page again. it makes getting back to web pages seen in the past (like videos, news articles etc) extremely fast and easy. flipora also lets you ‘pivot’ around web pages seen in the past to see other pages that you visited at the same time. tagging and sharing pages from your web memory with your friends is also very convenient with flipora.
Official Website
Facebook integration Discovery engine
Productivity Social Online Services Books News Web Browsers
facebook-integration Warning search-engine discovery-engine discover-websites store-browser-history